My wife and I had the pleasure of spending five days at Smith Rock State Park in Oregon. Smith is truly a gem. Check it -->
We climbed three solid days and had to rest our bits (fingers). If you are a part-timer, like Glenna and me, Smith will rip your fingers to the bone (hyperbole). On our "rest" day, we hiked around the whole darn thing and worked the glut's good.
After another couple of days climbing, we called it a trip. Central Oregon and its reliably hot weather helped complete our summer. Seattle summers always leave you longing for a bit more sun. Just go to Central Oregon for a week and you will be good. Serious.
While it may appear to some that I am blogging, I am not, trust me. I am just testing this thing to see if the images I post within this content look nice.
Don't touch me. Don't touch me.